a woman's hand turning the page of a book, a tea cup and flowers, with a green and gold background and title Self-Care is non-negotiable

Self-Care is non-negotiable

Today I want to talk about self-care, but first I just wanted to give a quick intro as to what inspired this topic.  The inspiration is actually the same reason I haven’t posted most over the last few months. To keep it simple and brief, over the past few months, I’ve been dealing with some …

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a woman meditating outside, with a green and gold background and title stress, anxiety and meditation

Stress, anxiety, and meditation.

I wanted talk a little bit about something that affects most if not all of us- stress and anxiety. More specifically, I want to talk about how it impacts our brains. So if you aren’t aware, there has been a lot of research that has shown that chronic stress and anxiety can actually lead to …

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a woman's walking in the woods, with a green and gold background and title nature is healing

10 Self Care Options That Are (mostly) FREE!

Self care is something that everyone needs, but few people actually take the time to practice. Why is that? It’s a basic necessity, but most of the time we’re too busy or too tired or too wrapped up in other people. Or worse, we start seeing self care as selfish. In reality, self care is …

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a woman's chin with her finger tapping on it, with a green and gold background and title nature is healing

EFT Therapy- easy and effective

Last night, I introduced my daughter to EFT therapy. Even just our first day with it and I saw how it could make a difference for her, so I then went live in my fb group last night to do a mini training with a quick demo for my group members. I thought today, I’d …

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a woman from behind looking out trees, with a green and gold background and title nature is healing

Nature is healing.

Last night I did a quick nature focused mini-training in my facebook group and wanted to basically share the transcript here with you in case you might find it helpful as well. Basically, it comes down to a simple but powerful form of self care that is so easy, anyone can do it. And that …

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a womans hand holding a sparkler, with a green and gold background and title REBT rational emotive behavioral therapy certified

REBT Certified!

Hey everyone, I know it’s been a bit since I’ve posted. I had to do some prioritizing this summer because I took on another class and it was very time consuming, but I didn’t want to sacrifice the quality time with my family, self care, or being able to give my current clients my full …

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a woman from behind looking out a window, with a green and gold background and title trauma secrets: healing without the audience

Trauma Secrets: Healing Without The Audience

You don’t have to share your trauma. You can if you want to, but you don’t have to. Whether you choose to keep it to yourself or share it with the world does not make it any more or less valid. I do recommend having one person that you can talk to. Whether it’s a …

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barefeet in the grass with flowers, a green and gold background and the words Grounding for your health.

Grounding for your health

Have you ever heard of grounding? With the weather finally warming up, the kids and I have been doing a lot of it. So much so that my daughter thought it was BEYOND strange when my mom came to visit and told her to put shoes on to play out back. That combined with how …

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