Author: daniellelapteff

girl with glasses and dark hair, smiling, orange dress, green and gold background, Jannylie Cayabyab: An Empowered Voice

Jannylie Cayabyab, An Empowered Voice

This week, I’d like to introduce you to Jannylie Cayabyab, an online math tutor and empowered entrepreneur!

Jannylie is an online tutor who inspires young people to excel in Math so that they can show up as the better versions of themselves. She is a living witness of God’s unwavering grace, love and forgiveness.
She was kind enough to share some of her story with me to share with all of you.

What was your ‘Ever After’ moment? (The moment that changed everything)

I started my online math tutoring business earlier this year. I used to work for tutoring companies before but I decided to try things on my own this time. It is true that entrepreneurship is character building. I discovered a lot of things about myself that I did not know before. Doing the inner work was difficult and uncomfortable but it was something I needed to grow as an individual and as an entrepreneur. Commitment, focus and patience were the areas that I’ve struggled with at first but by doing consistent work, things are becoming easier now.

What is a challenge that you have have faced and how did you overcome it? What did you learn along the way?

I struggled to set boundaries at the start of my business endeavor. I did not strictly implement my boundaries with my clients, with my family and even with myself. It resulted in resentment and burnout. I learned to set my priorities straight and to communicate effectively to the people around me. As a people pleaser, this is something difficult to do but by being more confident, I know I am being better.

What is a practical strategy or tool that you have found most effective for achieving success and/or personal growth?

Being consistent is necessary for growth and improvement. Whether putting myself out there for my business or spending more time reading the Word of God, I always push myself to stick to my goals. It’s not always easy but we need to persevere and endure if we want to be better at something.

How do you deal with self-doubt and limiting beliefs? What practices have you found helpful for building self-confidence?

As a perfectionist, I deal with a lot of insecurities. Irrational thoughts and fears keep coming in my mind, bringing my self-confidence down sometimes. I’ve tried doing the strategies and tips the internet gurus are recommending but what works the best for me is talking to myself in a kind manner. I encourage myself by acknowledging the efforts I put into my work and by continuously reminding myself that I am worthy of peace, success and abundance. It’s difficult to give myself grace sometimes but I know I need to be patient and things will fall right where they belong.

What advice do you have for staying resilient in the face of adversity? How do you maintain a growth mindset and learn from failures?

I am a Catholic and through time, I learned to offer my thoughts, feelings, and circumstances to the Lord. I believe that God is in control and all I need is to have faith that He will deliver me from the challenges and difficulties. This is easier said than done and I still struggle to commit everything to Him sometimes. But I am certain that God is faithful and He will always be with me on this journey.

What are some common misconceptions people have about your area of expertise, and what would you like people to know?

A lot of my students struggle in Math today because they don’t have mastery over the arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. To achieve academic success, it is vital for students to do these operations without the aid of a calculator. I understand that we have a more modern curriculum now but Math is a cumulative subject. A student should be proficient in the basics first before he can understand the more complex Math concepts.

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girl with short dark hair, smiling, orange dress, green and gold background, Veronica Schiltz: An Empowered Voice

Veronica Schiltz- An Empowered Voice

This week, I’d like to introduce you to Veronica Schiltz, Future Chiropractor and Mindset and Burnout Coach for Mompreneurs!

Veronica is a toddler mama to the sweetest 1.5 year old and is in school finishing up her doctor of chiropractic. She is passionate about all things holistic health and empowering women to not only live in integrity with their core beliefs and values but to thrive in every season knowing that their confidence doesn’t come from outward works but comes from their unique God-given gifts and traits. Her mission is to help women and families live to their greatest potential in a way that changes generations forever.

Veronica was kind enough to share some of her story with me to share with all of you.

What was your ‘Ever After’ moment? (The moment that changed everything)

This is hard to put into one moment so I wanted to highlight the two biggest ones for me. The very first time I ever realized there was more to this life than living in pain and frustration was when I met my church family. I had always been skeptical of Faith and Religion because of my upbringing and though I knew Faith was an important aspect of my life I didn’t know where it fit into my life.

I met these church planters and immediately became apart of their volunteer staff but I was not so fond of Faith in general. The pastor’s wife and I grew very close and I let her know who I was. Who I truly was. Not the girl that worked hard, or the girl that was always there for people, but the girl that was angry at the world, that had strong feelings and questioned everything. The girl who held grudges and couldn’t forgive what had been said and done to her growing up. This mentor of mine didn’t chastise me or shame me, she saw me for what I was, hurting, and she also saw me for who I was which was deeply loyal and passionate. She helped me to work through things I had shoved down for years and so, began the journey of growing into my God-Given calling.

Soon after I was introduced to this church family I started working for a female entrepreneur and chiropractor who saw the potential in me. She knew that I was meant to be a chiropractor and I felt I would never be cut out for doctorate school. She worked on me little by little each day hinting that what I truly wanted to be was a chiropractor and that the only reason I didn’t go for it right away, is because I didn’t think I could do it. Well, she was right and after two years of convincing me I was capable of this career I didn’t know I needed, I applied to chiropractic school.

That was three years ago now and I hardly recognize myself, but what I know for certain is that generational poverty ends with me, generational hurts are starting to be healed through me, and that I will no longer let fear or hurt cloud the vision for the future. It just took a little bit of kindness, lots of patience, and the help of some powerful women to help me to see the potential within myself and my God-given gifts and traits and I will spend the rest of my days doing this for other women as well.

What is a challenge that you have have faced and how did you overcome it? What did you learn along the way?

The biggest challenge I have faced was getting through chiropractic school. This experience tested my confidence, my abilities, my marriage, and my time management skills just to name a few. But going through this program I learned three things:

  1. Babies make you better! Having my daughter in school excelled my ability to manage everything because one look at her and I knew what was most important. My life was now built around my core values and if something didn’t fit into that, it was getting kicked out of my life.
  2. You CAN be successful with a negative mind, but it’s a heck of a lot harder. Changing your mindset from “I hope I can” to “I will do this” is a game changer and so does going from “what if it doesn’t work out” to “but what if it DOES work out”.
  3. Rest is not optional. There is no time that you should put yourself on the back burner and save rest for later. Do what you can and lean on your people to make sure you are getting rest. No matter how busy you are, YOU are your most important asset. You can’t do all the things on an empty tank.

What is a practical strategy or tool that you have found most effective for achieving success and/or personal growth?

Getting really strong in my Faith, getting really clear on my boundaries, and speaking to myself the way I would want to speak to my daughter.

How do you deal with self-doubt and limiting beliefs? What practices have you found helpful for building self-confidence?

Very similar to the ones above, I use prayer and bible time to help me remember what my Creator says about me, I journal often about the things I am grateful for not just about what is happening in my life but also the gifts I have inside me that make me so special, and I have gotten really clear on communication with myself. Learning what my emotions mean and where they are stemming from really allows myself to be self aware and improve the aspects of myself that I know can be improved out of love and respect for myself and not from a place of shame or disappointment (something I used to do often)

What advice do you have for staying resilient in the face of adversity? How do you maintain a growth mindset and learn from failures?

Measure backwards! Reading the Gap and the Gain was a really big book for me because it helped me to realize just how often I was measuring my success in the future instead of looking back at all of the things I have overcome. Taking the time to truly celebrate my victories and honor where I am at in the journey can help you get excited for what is to come. That, and defining what failure truly is. You can’t fail unless you give up. So as long as you are still going, you are winning!

What are some common misconceptions people have about your area of expertise, and what would you like people to know?

As someone big into mindset work and nervous system regulation, I really want people to understand that you don’t need an expert to tell you what to do to overcome negative self talk/self doubt, perfectionism, or feelings of overwhelm. You don’t NEED to meditate, you don’t NEED a morning routine. Yes, those things often will become apart of your routine as you learn mindfulness but you can’t force it.

Before you do these things, you need to understand what it is your currently believe, how you see the world around you, and how you see yourself. Knowing these things will help you decide what is best for YOU. Not what someone else thinks you should do, but learning how to listen to your nervous system, listen to your emotions, and live in your Faith will ultimately allow you to create the rhythm you want to see. I won’t do that for you, but I do hope to help you through the process of getting to know yourself again if that is something you are struggling with. We all need that gentle reminder of our God-given gifts and abilities and uniquely special traits that we have within ourselves!

How can we connect with you?

@veronicaischiltz on instagram and tik tok and Veronica Schiltz on Facebook!

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Girl with dark hair, smiling, in front of trees, green and gold background, Megan Albrecht: An Empowered Voice

A Secret Way to Combat Depression- Guest post by Megan Albrecht

Hello everyone!  I’d like to introduce you to my friend Megan. Megan and I met when we both ended up in multiple sessions together during a women’s summit and realized we had a lot of common interests. Since then, we’ve been able to stay connected and I’ve learned so much from her! Not only is she brilliant, but also so brave, vulnerable and kind. I was absolutely thrilled when she showed interest in guest blogging, because I know everyone else could learn a lot from her as well. And so without further ado, here’s Megan’s guest post about fighting depression:

A Secret Way to Combat Depression

You are most likely aware of the foods to eat (or avoid), if you struggle with your mental health.  That’s becoming easy enough information to find online, thankfully.  I’m grateful for each and every tip when it comes to feeling my happiest.  I have battled Depression and Anxiety for most of my life.   One thing that I’ve found out lately, may come as a surprise to you.  It sure did, for me!  Not only does it matter what you put IN your body, it matters what you’re putting ON it, too.

I didn’t realize until lately that it takes less than 30 seconds for skincare products to be absorbed into the bloodstream.  Why is that important to know?  Because many different lotions, soaps, and makeup have ingredients that are very toxic.  When I first heard about toxins, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t too concerned.  I thought, so what if it causes Cancer?  Needless to say, I wasn’t in a healthy frame of mind.
The turning point for me came when I found a truly natural skincare company and swapped out the lotions and soaps I had been using for better options.  It was last Summer and I felt so happy and content for the first time in as long as I can remember.  I’ll tell you though, I didn’t make the connection at the time…

Slowly, I swapped other things out for our family.

Soon I found a better alternative to dish soap and laundry detergent.  After months of feeling really good for one of the first times in years, I ended up depressed and anxious again.  Why?  I realized after a few months that I had been using a cream on some pesky and persistent eczema that was filled with toxic ingredients!  This was dermatologist recommended, by the way.
The only way I realized, was when I quit using that and slowly began to feel more positive and upbeat again.  I was shocked!  No one had ever told me about the mood connection tied to skincare products…Not only that, but when I look for the information online now, I find next to nothing linking the two.

I realize that making swaps can feel daunting.

Especially if you’re already struggling with your mood.  It can almost feel like too much to worry about.  My recommendation is that when you’re ready to start swapping products out, do it one at a time.  When you are getting low on your body lotion, start looking for other healthier options.  I’d recommend starting to do research early so you have a new alternative well before running out of your old product.  If you need any help finding better products, I’m more than happy to help!
Find me on Instagram at

Here is a Cheat Sheet of ingredients you do NOT want in your products to get you started:

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
  • Parabens
  • Fragrance
  • Mineral Oil
  • Propylene Glycol
  • Phthalates
  • Petrolatum
This list is not exhaustive, but a good starting point for you.  The easiest way to ensure products are truly safe is to know the ingredients listed and know WHAT exactly they each are.  You may want to look locally, first because many smaller companies use safer ingredients and are trying to get started!

I truly hope this information is empowering to you and you feel hopeful.

Because you should!  Once you begin this journey, it gets easier and you will feel happier.  I can almost guarantee it.  Safe and healthy healing to you!

  Megan Albrecht is a single mom and has recovered from Depression among other things. She helps women feel more confident, energetic, and happy through holistic mood support. She is fighting to bring an end to human trafficking.

Want to connect with Megan further? Find her here:

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girl with red hair and purple shirt, smiling, orange dress, green and gold background, Melissa Pilatzke: An Empowered Voice

Prioritizing Sleep is Self Care

Do you struggle with sleep? I know that I do.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had difficulty with insomnia and chronic fatigue and I’ve definitely felt the effects of it. That was why I was so intrigued when I met Melissa Pilatzke, who is a sleep consultant. I thought I was passionate about sleep just because I always wanted more, but after hearing her talk about it, I now know what being passionate about it really looks like. Sleep is so important to self care for both our mental and physical health, and I’m so glad that Melissa was generous enough to share some of her expertise with us!

Here’s what she has to say:

Have you ever noticed that sleep is a popular topic of conversation? People are constantly discussing their own sleep, their child’s sleep, their partner’s sleep, and it’s usually in the context of not getting enough of it! Sleep is a vital life function; human beings need sleep just as we need food, water, and air. Yet we are all guilty of making sleep a low priority at some points in our lives.

When you have a big test coming up, a presentation to prepare for, or you need to binge the new season of your favorite show, sleep gets sacrificed to make time to accomplish the task. And that’s fine from time to time but what usually happens is that we forget to prioritize sleep again once we’ve aced the test, nailed the presentation, or finished the season. This is where the trouble begins. Placing sleep as a low priority for days or weeks at a time will eventually cause some degree of sleep deprivation.

What Does This Have to Do with Self Care?

Take a moment to think about how being VERY tired affects you. If you are anything like me then you may experience headaches, loss of appetite, low energy, quick to anger, and the list goes on!

Now that you’ve thought about it that way, doesn’t it seem so clear that getting more sleep is essential to our self care?

Why do we do other self care activities? To recharge, right? Some more obvious items that come to mind when you are craving self care are to go for a nature walk, get your nails done, enjoy a long bath. These are all wonderful ideas too! They all help us to restore our bodies, our mental states, and our joy. But what is more restorative than sleep?

So, the next time you find yourself exhausted, try prioritizing your sleep for a few days to a week. Commit to going to bed early instead of scrolling Instagram or watching Netflix. I know! It’s a hard habit to break. But making time for our own sleep is the ultimate act of self care!

I recently did this because I found myself suffering signs of sleep deprivation after weeks of staying up late and waking early. Let me tell you! It was so worth it! My to-do list continued to grow but I did not stay up late to finish it because my priority that week was to get to bed early so that I could be more productive overall. This was very hard for me but as a sleep consultant I made it my mission that week to practice what I preach!

Prioritizing Sleep May Just Be the Missing Puzzle Piece

You may be thinking that you don’t need to place sleep as a high priority because you practice healthy living in other ways. Maybe you eat right, exercise daily, and meditate. That’s fantastic! Amazing! Keep doing that. I’m not saying that sleep should replace all those other healthy habits. But maybe, just maybe sleep is the missing piece to the puzzle. If you consider yourself to live a healthy lifestyle but you are only getting six or seven hours of sleep per night, you may be missing a very important piece to the puzzle that can elevate you to the next level.

When you are better rested you can focus better, you have more energy, and your mood improves. Not to mention that while you sleep your body is busy regulating your metabolism and performing immune repair. That’s a lot of work happening overnight so we should give our body the time it needs to recharge and repair so we can thrive during the day.

Take Back Your Sleep

I wasn’t always this passionate about sleep! It wasn’t until I was no longer in charge of my own sleep that I realized just how precious it is. When my daughter was born, my chance of getting quality sleep seemed to evaporate overnight!

Perhaps you’ve been reading this thinking “yeah…okay… easier said than done” because you have a child who is keeping you from getting the quality sleep you need and deserve. If this is you, trust me, I get it! I was right there with you not that long ago! It’s exactly this scenario that sparked my passion for sleep, specifically pediatric sleep.

The first step in prioritizing your own sleep is to help your little one sleep well. I have created a Free Guide to Sleeping Through Night for parents just like you! Download it now as your first step towards prioritizing sleep for your entire family!

   Melissa lives in northern Saskatchewan, Canada with her husband and two-year-old daughter. After overcoming sleep struggles with her own daughter, Melissa became passionate about helping other families get the sleep they need and deserve. She wants parents to know that sleep deprivation does not need to be a normal part of parenthood and that other options are available. When Melissa isn’t talking about sleep, she enjoys scrapbooking and travelling with her family.


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